Strava and FB Group Links

Strava and FB Group Links

You do not have to be part of the Strava and Facebook groups to take part in the SRC 100/50. However, these will be great places for you to interact with other SRC 100/50 participants. Click here for the Private Facebook Group Click here for the Strava...
Log your miles!

Log your miles!

We have a new format for logging miles in 2024. Please click on the link below for that format. LOG YOUR MILES
SRC January Challenge Suggested Routes

SRC January Challenge Suggested Routes

You do not have to run any of the suggested routes to take part in the SRC January Challenge. These are just fun routes we love to run. However, if you do complete 5 or 10 of the routes we will have bonus swag and prizes for you! If someone is able to complete all 15...
SRC January Challenge Swag

SRC January Challenge Swag

Finishers of the SRC January Challenge will get a large wooden finisher medal with lanyard along with a tri-blend race shirt. We are sill working on designs. Please allow until the end of February for items to be available for pickup or shipping.