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[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Bright orange leaves and pumpkin flavored drinks… fall is finally here! This wonderful time of the year may mean cozy blankets and warm fires, but it’s also the season of sniffles, coughs, colds, and flu. Don’t settle for being sick during the holiday season. Here are some symptoms to pay attention to, and some ways to fight the cold and flu!

When and How a Doctor Can Help.

Could you have the flu? If you’re experiencing flu-like symptoms with sore throat, fatigue, exhaustion or fever, don’t just wait it out.

Go to a medical provider within the first 48 hours of the onset of flu symptoms. If you have the flu, anti-viral medication may be prescribed and can help reduce symptoms and sick time!

Visit a medical professional whether it be at your primary care or your closest Immediate Clinic location. We are available to help too 8am-8pm, every day of the year; this includes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years! Just walk-in or schedule online at immediateclinic.com.


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Flu vs. Cold

If you’re not sure if you have the cold or flu, check out the symptoms and treatments that may be available.

Don’t settle for sick!

Whether it’s sniffles, stitches, sprains or flu, Immediate Clinic is here for you! We’re open 8am – 8pm, 7days a week including all holidays. Just walk-in or schedule online at immediateclinic.com.


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