Unable to Race
If you cannot participate in this year’s race for whatever reason, we can offer you a 50% coupon code for next year’s race unless you are a Snohomish Running Company Multi-Pass Holder. Pass holders can transfer their entry to any other SRC event. Requests for coupon codes must be made one week (7 days) prior to the race date. You are not obligated in any way to use the coupon code, but to obtain it, the request must be made in time. Please e-mail info@snohomishrunning.com for your code.
Switching distances
IMPORTANT: If you switch distances without paying a transfer fee, and notifying the race, you will be automatically disqualified, with no appeals, and banned from the race for 5 years. Switching distances without informing the race creates confusion and frustration for other racers and the race organizers.
If you would like to switch from the 10k to the half marathon, or vice versa, there will be a $5 Administration Fee.
If you are switching from the 10k to the half marathon, you must also pay the difference in registration prices. If you are transferring from the half marathon to the 10k, no refund will be given for the difference.
Transferring Your Bib
Transferring your entry to another person (i.e. a bib swap) is not available. Please e-mail info@snohomishrunning.com with further questions.
Wait List
If the race sells out, a limited wait list will be made available.
Cancelled Race
In the event of extreme weather, acts of terrorism, acts of God, governmental ban or other factors outside the control of the race management, the race management reserves the right to cancel the race at any moment leading up to the race, including during the race. All decisions will be made in concert with local officials, and will be based on safety first and foremost.
Courses and/or race segments will be altered as agreed to between the management and local officials. Since the majority of event costs (entry forms, advertising, etc.) occur prior to the race, entry fees will not be refunded.